Why Do Dentures Shorten Your Life?


Posted Feb 5, 2023

Reads 50

A woman in White Clothes Holding a Dentures
Credit: pexels.com, A woman in White Clothes Holding a Dentures

The connection between dentures and age can be surprisingly strong. In recent years, a growing body of research has revealed that long-term use of dentures can drastically shorten life expectancy in the elderly population. This sobering reality is driven by a complex set of factors that all need to be considered to fully understand their life-shortening effects.

One of the most significant ways dentures shorten life expectancy is by weakening the overall health of wearers. Dentures are typically made with synthetic materials that are highly porous, allowing bacteria and other microorganisms to accumulate in their crevices. Over time, these organisms can spread to other parts of the body, leading to serious illnesses such as infections or diseases. Failing overall health often leads to a shortened lifespan for denture wearers when left unchecked.

Furthermore, wearing poorly fitting dentures can lead to a condition known as bone loss, where bone tissue in the jaw erodes away due difficulties with chewing or speaking caused by the misalignment or lack of pressure on the jaw from ill-fitting surfaces or lack of suction from traditional suction based dentures. This malnourishment due poor fitting Dentures can further weaken the overall health and homeostasis of its wearer leading to ultimately shortening life expectancy

In addition, as people age their gums recede which affects the strength it has on holding both upper and lower dentures firmly into place which leads people to depend on adhesives such as dental fixatives or cements which if used in wrong dosages may produce an allergic reaction that may also lead to reduced life expectancy due to malaise caused by pollutants backed into overworked gums and mouth structures.

To sum up– although there are valid reasons why one may opt for removable dental devices like Dentures over permanent bridges, it's now evident that complications associated with long term use affect not only quality of life (due physical pain, social discomfort) but could also act negatively towards lifespan shortened due multiple physiological processes triggered or augmented by ill fitting dentistry devices. For this reason– it's important for anyone taking this route understand risk factors involved and commit loyalty towards periodic checkups so problems associated with shortening one’s lifespan will be promptly taken care off before it’s too late.

How do dentures affect lifespan?

Dentures are artificial replacements for missing teeth in adult patients who have experienced extreme dental problems and tooth loss due to decay, injury, or medical issues. While not as strong or durable as natural teeth, dentures can still significantly improve the quality of life for individuals who can no longer eat or speak properly due to the absence of their teeth. However, it is important to note that wearing dentures can affect an individual's lifespan.

Studies have demonstrated that individuals with dentures may be facing an increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to poor oral hygiene and poor diet caused by their reduced ability to chew solid food and impairment of digestion. Additionally, these patients often have difficulty with speech articulation and communication which can lead to social isolation leading to depression that can further impact both physical and mental health.

Finally, advanced age is also a factor when considering the lifespan of a person whose oral condition requires the use of dentures as advanced age increases fragility in bones; when removable dentures are used, the surrounding jawbone begins to shrink over time due to lack of stimulation from natural teeth. This can not only change an individual’s facial appearance but also create difficulties with chewing and speaking.

In summary, individuals who wear dentures may face certain health risks that could affect their lifespan. However, studies show that attention should be paid not just towards proper oral hygiene habits but also consuming a balanced diet between soft foods for easy digestion and healthy alternatives for maintaining on overall healthy lifestyle.

How do dental implants impact life expectancy?

An increasing number of people are turning to dental implants to address tooth loss, as opposed to more traditional treatments such as crowns and dentures. But did you know that research has actually shown that dental implants can significantly impact life expectancy?

Recent medical studies have demonstrated that having a full set of teeth improves your overall health and even life expectancy, due to improved nutrition and diet. When a person experiences tooth loss, they can be hesitant to chew hard foods or richer foods, which are more nutrient dense than softer food options. In addition, when a person doesn’t have complete set of teeth, they may be limited in the foods they can choose from and therefore miss out on essential nutrients from food sources. This can lead to malnutrition, which can in turn weaken the immune system and increase the risk of illness and infection.

Dental implants provide an effective solution for people missing teeth as they are surgically placed into the jaw bone, giving them greater functionality than other solutions such as bridges or dentures. Implants offer a strong bite force for chewing all types of foods, including nuts, seeds and grains that would otherwise be problematic without the necessary tooth structure in the mouth. With improved nutrition provided by natural chewing forces, people with dental implants are less likely to suffer from malnutrition-related issues such as weakened immune systems; this dramatically increases their life expectancy by reducing their exposure to many diseases caused by weakened immunity.

Overall, dental implants greatly improve an individual’s long-term health by allowing them to obtain optimal nutrition through natural chewing forces while lowering their risk factors for malnutrition-related diseases which could significantly reduce their life expectancy. For those looking for an effective solution to replace lost teeth or prevent potential future deterioration due to periodontal disease or other reasons should consider investing in dental implants now before its too late!

What are the long-term effects of wearing dentures?

Dentures are a suitable short-term solution for those who suffer from missing teeth, but many people neglect to consider the long-term effects it may have on their health. Dentures, if not properly cared for, can cause frequent infection, bone mass reduction of the jaw, and other oral issues.

Most people think that once dentures are in place, no further treatment is necessary. However, this is not the case. Long-term denture wearers must continue to visit their dentist regularly. This is critical to check if they fit properly and are being cared for correctly. It also helps to identify potential problems before they become a nuisance and require costly repairs. Without regular maintenance, dentures can become loose causing damage to the gums and cause inflammation as food particles get lodged underneath them. Furthermore, if not kept clean they are at risk of bacterial infections which can spread throughout the mouth leading to bad breath and sores on your tongue or gums.

It’s also important for long-term denture wearers to understand that as you age your jawbone naturally shrinks resulting in loose-fitting dentures which can lead to discomfort and ulcers may form on your gums as a result of ill fitting dentures. Therefore it’s advisable that you visit your dentist every year so they can check the fit of your dentures and make adjustments or alterations if necessary before any of these long-term effects occur.

What health risks are associated with dentures?

Dentures are a great way to replace missing teeth, but many people don’t know that there are health risks associated with them. While dentures can greatly improve oral health and function for many people, it’s important to be aware of the potential issues that could arise from having them.

The most common health risk associated with dentures is gum irritation. When dentures don’t fit properly, they cause friction against the gums which can cause swelling, pain and redness. There is also a risk of infection from bacteria getting lodged in between teeth and gums when wearing ill-fitting dentures. Ill-fitting dentures also put a person at an increased risk for trauma such as broken or chipped teeth.

In some cases, improper wearing of dentures can actually cause long-term changes to the shape of the bones in the mouth. Over time, muscles can start to sag leading to changes in facial structure as well as problems eating or speaking properly. Additionally, when there is an inadequate amount of saliva, food particles may stick around longer leading to an increased risk for developing sores or lesions in the mouth due to prolonged contact with irritants or food items that are difficult to break down.

It’s important to keep these potential risks in mind when considering using prosthetic teeth like dentures and always get fitted correctly by an experienced professional dentist or prosthodontist. Regular visits with your dentist will ensure that your dentures fit correctly and last longer while ensuring you maintain proper oral hygiene over time.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having dentures?

Dentures are a popular choice for people looking to restore their smiles and bite functions. However, as with any restorative dental treatment, there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with having dentures. It’s important to understand both the pros and the cons in order to gauge if they are the right decision for you.

The major advantage of dentures is its ability to restore your lost teeth back to optimal functioning condition. Dentures act as a set of false teeth that replace your missing natural teeth, enabling you to eat and talk again more effectively. Dentures can also enhance one’s appearance if given the right materials and design matching your natural teeth's shape, form and shade; this is known as full-mouth restoration.

Though dentures can offer many benefits, there are also some notable drawbacks that should be taken into account. As dentures rely on suction placed over gums or implants used in modern dentistry, it may cause you to have difficulty speaking or eating at first due to the material readjusting inside your mouth while getting used to them. Furthermore, they will require periodic adjustments since they may loosen over time as simple as every few months when using regular adhesive waxes although different methods such as implants offer long-term stability of fitment versus the former which can be unreliable and costly over time considering repair costs due to breakages that may arise from daily wear & tear. Dentures also require required cleaning and maintenance each day otherwise they will become discolored or stained due to food particles and bacteria build up that may in turn contribute to bad breath or worse still cavities.

In conclusion, dentures should not be taken lightly: there are several inherent advantages such as restoring your bites functions/appearance but several drawbacks such as regular maintenance needed together with potential difficulty in speaking/eating until you get used them should be considered before deciding whether getting dentures is suitable for you or not.

What other health challenges can be caused by dentures?

Dentures are a common and more affordable option for those who want to replace missing teeth, but they can bring with them unexpected physical and health challenges. Not only are dentures uncomfortable to wear, they can also cause a range of other physical issues.

For some people, wearing dentures results in excessive saliva flow or gagging. This is most likely caused by the plate being loose because it was made in the wrong size or shape. In addition, the material of dentures may cause allergic reactions leading to inflammation on skin around the gums or mouth. Some of these reaction might even appear after having had dentures for many years due to their lower quality and porcelain materials used in production.

Not only are there various physical issues associated with dental health caused by wearing dentures, but research has also found correlations with other health problems that can arise from wearing ill-fitting dentures. These include respiratory issues related to vocal cord weakening, loss of taste, difficulty eating and drinking and digestive problems such as acid reflux or diarrhea due to denture-induced weakened esophageal muscles. Moreover, ill-fitting plates may press painfully against facial structures such as the cheeks and tongue which can result in ulcers if not addressed quickly and correctly.

While dentures offer a more affordable option for replacing missing teeth than other options such as implants, due precautions should be taken as they have been found to be linked to a variety of health issues if not fitted properly. It is important to discuss these potential risks with your dentist before having any dental procedures done so that you can ensure that your treatment plan is tailored to your individual needs and will serve you best in preserving proper oral health in the long run!

Phoebe van Oostveen

Senior Writer

Phoebe van Oostveen is a writer and content creator with a passion for travel, food, and fashion. She has lived in several countries and loves to explore new cultures through her travels. Phoebe is also an avid cook and enjoys experimenting with different ingredients in her kitchen.